Vinay Rai is a Philosopher, a Philanthropist, an Author, and an Educationist who serves as a source of inspiration for many generations and shares his colorful insightful perspective on his country and also immensely contributed to empowering rural women, promoting ancient arts and culture, promoting applied research for rural areas, supporting health-related issues, and encouraging the aspirations of young people with happiness and universal well-being. He is Graduate in Bachelors of Science in Physics with Honor from the University of Delhi and Master’s in Engineering from MIT. At MIT he became an elected member of Eta Kappa Nu and Sigma Xi, two of the most prestigious honorary societies for engineers. While at MIT, he also took courses at the Harvard Business School. He is the author of “ Rethinking India” published in 2005 and “Think India: The Rise of the World’s Next Superpower and What it means for every American” published in the United States by Penguin-Dutton in 2007 and “The Right to Education ” in 2010. Vinay Rai is the President of the Centre for Public Policy (CPP), Think India Foundation, and Aspiration India. He believes that with the healthy body and healthy mind India can be transformed into a developed nation. According to him, ’five Es’– Educating, Enlightening, Enriching, Empowering, and Enabling is the key to make India a developed nation.

Our prayers must always be with full faith and trust in the Wisdom of God and His fairness. Then His will be showered on us. When our heart is soaked in Love, it will not be contaminated by egoism [ ... ]
The ultimate aim of human life, just as Sun is the natural source of light and Human life is impossible without it, Right conduct (we call it Dharma) is the Sunlight that illumines our inner soul [ ... ]
To find bliss and peace of mind in daily life, we understand our true nature first, we must do three things: Bend our body, mend our senses and end our mind. ‘Bend the body’ is to not allow ego [ ... ]
To connect with divine energy just think- mere possession of canvas and paint in the hands of an artist is meaningless unless he gets an inspired vision of the image that he wants to paint. Similarly [ ... ]
Our Vedas states that truth is one - all wise people interpret it differently. All are right as they ultimately reach the same eternal truth. It goes on to say, let us respect each other's different [ ... ]
Our bliss can come to us any moment when our heart is cleansed of despair, freed from hesitation and doubt, and open to accept the waves of bliss that surge in from all sides of God's Universe. Love [ ... ]
A story with a profound message- A super successful, rich and knowledgeable man realized after all his successes that he still was not happy and at peace. Troubled by this, he approached a wise Guru [ ... ]
Think about this - when we do service or acts of charity are we really primarily helping others or actually helping ourselves. Reality is we do it for ourselves, for own happiness and peace and wellness [ ... ]
We must Nurture within ourselves the will to give, the will to renounce the little for the big and the momentary for the sake of the momentous! We must always wear these thoughts of serving and loving [ ... ]
Prayers should not be confined to the four walls of the Church or Temple or the few minutes of meditation we do. Prayers are a full time spiritual practice for our own happiness and peace within. [ ... ]
Learn to live with others sharing your’s and their joys and sorrows together. Let's be forbearing, not overbearing. When we all live together in amity, all will be happy and safe; all will be a [ ... ]
We should not ruin our beautiful life as a human being in just wasteful rounds of eating, drinking and sleeping. We have within us our Divine Soul which is part of the Divine Energy we call God and [ ... ]
There is no use of our gaining a lot of knowledge if all we use it for is the accumulation of material wealth. Why do we want to just master the world of matter, the objective world? Like the monkey [ ... ]
The tree growing out of the soil returns to the soil; the individual arising from the universe returns to the universe - this truth is not easily perceived and that is the mystery of this marvelous [ ... ]
When we are very wealthy we find it even hard to pay our taxes or gift away our wealth as greed is never-ending. On the other hand wise and the not so well off always share and help one another. [ ... ]
Our outer cleanliness is important for our health and happiness and we spend hours looking after ourselves. However, the cleanliness of your own mind and intellect is even more important and crucial [ ... ]
Just as our body is the house in which our soul lives, the world is the body of God.A tiny Ant biting just the little finger of our foot is able to draw our full attention to the spot, and we react [ ... ]
Without our giving up our sloth (our unwillingness to make any effort or work towards our duty), how can we ever know the Truth? Without giving up reckless Desires, how can our devotion take root? [ ... ]
Today we are all reposing too much faith in our frail and impermanent physical body. Our body is like a puppet with many holes and could collapse at any time even with a mere sneeze or turn of event. [ ... ]
There is always a perennial bond of pure love between teachers (Guru's) and students. Students can win over any teacher’s heart, and a teacher can always win over students’ hearts with love and [ ... ]
A simple flute is just a hollow bamboo stick where a few holes are made. By itself, it has no ability to create music. But when you blow softly through it and tap on the holes it creates the most [ ... ]
Our constant flickering mind will instantly waver from right to wrong, from pain to joy only when we urge it on and egg it on. We must desist and be sure that we do not allow our mind to wander and [ ... ]
Intelligence is a double-edged sword. It can cut chains and liberate you; it can cause fatal wounds and kill. That's why we have to pray to God to preside over the intelligence and render it beneficial [ ... ]
Thinking evil, speaking evil and seeing evil invariably leads us to total ruin. We must Learn to live in harmony and unity with people and our environment. Every organ in our body functions in cooperation [ ... ]