- Speeches
- ♦"Canadian Radio Appearance Stop, Don’t Ignore Aids that’s Dangerous"
- ♦"Resolving the Reservation Dilemma : A Win-Win Approach"
- ♦"Role of Academia in helping law enforcement agencie"
- ♦"Worldwide role of media in highlighting and preserving Civil Society’s Value System"
- ♦" The Sprit of Entrepreneurship"
- ♦"Relevantly skill-sets for our students: Greater dialogue between leaders of Business and Academia"
- ♦"Role of Higher Education in India: learning from the US"
- ♦"Political Leadership in the 21st century"
- ♦"Role of Religious Leaders"
- ♦"India Empowered to me is -"
- ♦"When Education nurtures Creativity, Leadership and Enterprise Moving beyond our Slavish Mindsets"
- ♦"Role of Private Sector in Human Resources Development"
- ♦"Opportunities arising out of the crisis at Singapore"
- ♦"Addressing Unemployment Through Reforms in Education"
- ♦"Education for All"
- ♦"Market Indian Higher Education Abroad"
- ♦"Defining Quality Education"
- ♦"Lack of teachers is a big stumbling block in the field of education"
- ♦"Job reservations in private sector: creating another cage"
- ♦"Economy on a high, but employment stays dim"
- ♦"Taking Higher Education beyond the Indian borders"
- ♦"Education sector adds billions to the American Economy: Lessons for India"
- ♦"Indian Universities: Knowledge Powerhouses or Degree Distributing Machines"
- ♦"DU Admissions: vocational courses preferred"
- ♦"Lack of teachers is a big stumbling block in the field of education"