Think about this - when we do service or acts of charity are we really primarily helping others or actually helping ourselves. Reality is we do it for ourselves, for own happiness and peace and wellness and cleansing of our ego and self-centeredness. every act of ours is controlled and ordained by the universal energy force that flows amongst all of us and referred by many as God. whatever we get (so-called good or bad or whatever is received by us) is the Will of God. God does not need another human being to deliver acts of kindness or gifts to us. he can use any means including a leaf or a stone or an animal. he gives us the opportunity to serve when he is pleased with us that we are following His path of seeking our unity with the supreme energy and walking on a path of caring and loving and serving others. but in this, there can be NO EGO about ourselves or are doing good. we are just humble instruments that God bestows his kindness on.Without this knowledge, the urge to serve and do good is bound to ebb and grow dry or meander into pride and pomp. Just think for a moment: Are we serving God? Or is God serving us? When we offer milk to a hungry child or a blanket to a shivering brother on the pavement, we are but placing God’s gift into the hands of another gift of God! we are reposing the gift of God in a repository of the Divine Principle! God serves and allows us to claim that we served! Remember, without His Will, not a single blade of grass swings!. so be humble at all times and offer all our acts and good deeds to God and seek his blessings at all times in an Egoless state of mind. May God bless you always..
- Vinay Rai