About Vinay Rai

Vinay Rai is the adventurous and bold Philosopher, Educationist and Philanthropist has journeyed far and wide in order to unravel the mysteries of the world around us. His journeys around the world to understand the global economy have given him a new insight into the development of India and well being of its people. Vinay Rai known for his alert and inquisitive mind believes that without the upliftment of society, India's dream of being a leading nation in the world will remain unfulfilled. His thoughts have led to the concepxions of various setups in the fields of print, electronic and e-learning that is creating a culture of intelligence throughout the nation.
Vinay Rai Philosopher
A philosophy which has framed his life; a philosophy which he preaches to all; a philosophy which Vinay Rai believes in and follows is the key of growth for all and nation itself. Vinay Rai says “India can be transformed into a developed nation only by providing it with healthy bodies and healthy minds.” Read More..
Vinay Rai Philanthropist
Vinay Rai has endowed Philanthropic initiatives to support the areas of Learning, building Public Opinion, Arts and Cultural, Media and Research activities and Global Health, with the hope that in the 21st century advances in these critical areas will be available for all people. A renowned thinker in his own right, for Rai, the most important contribution is to demonstrate how thinking as an internationalist is not merely philosophically far-reaching, but how it also has social, even political, consequences. Read More..
Vinay Rai Educationist
The best and the brightest students shouldn’t be denied access to higher education simply because they can’t afford it.” Vinay Rai is an icon for evolution and change in progressive India. He has known the world over for his advocacy for the self-reliance of every sector of the country. He visited several foreign countries to observe, study, and elicit the latest developments and technological changes happening around the world. He has acquired a great deal of knowledge, which he apxly applies to enhance the overall well-being of people through his philanthropic initiatives, which basically focus on education of the underprivileged. Read More..